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Partner Event

The Global Interdisciplinary Green Cities Conference

A 5-Day event

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Berkshire Innovation Center is proud to host this year's Global Interdisciplinary Green Cities Conference. 

The goal of this conference is to share scientific knowledge and research that will contribute to achieving the net-zero carbon emission economy by the year 2050.

Read all about the conference in Ben Sosne's article in The Berkshire Business Journal

Conference Proceedings

To view the full conference proceedings for this year and past years, click on the links below.

2024: Pittsfield and Longmeadow, MA, USA

2023: Augsburg, Germany

2022:  Luzern, Switzerland

2021:  Augsburg, Germany

2019: Wroclaw, Poland

Berkshire Innovation Center

45 Woodlawn Avenue, Pittsfield, MA, USA

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Program Begins:

1:00 PM


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Berkshire Innovation Center, Pittsfield

Click here for session details and authors.

9:00 am - 10:30 am:     Session 1

10:30 am - 11:00 am:   Coffee Break

11:00 am - 12:30 pm:   Session 2

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm:     Lunch Break

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm:       Session 3

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm:       Session 4

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm:       Keynote Speaker

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm:       Special Event

Click here for more information on this special event.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Berkshire Innovation Center, Pittsfield

Session 5: Green Cities  9:00 am - 10:30 am

Beyond the Basics: An Expanded Digital Transformation Adoption Model for Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

     Frederick Johnson, London School of Economics & Political Science, UK

     Chinazunwa Uwaoma, Claremont Graduate University, UK

How Does the Creation of Artifacts Help the Decision Makers to Inflence the Residents' Awareness of Using GIS to Site the Optimal Locations of Renewable Energy Technology?

     Alaa Alharthi, Claremont Graduate University, UK

Harnessing the Seas and Winds: A Comparative Analysis of Wave and Off-Shore Winds Farms in the Transition toward Sustainable Energy in Europe

     Daniel Hayward, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France

Classifying Racism as a Behavoir Disorder:  A Primer for All

     Frederick Johnson, London School of Economics & Political Science, UK

Coffee Break: 10:30 am - 11:00 am

Session 6: Green Cities  11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Bio-Asphalt to Enhance Pavement Sustainablity and Performance at Sub-Zero Temperature

     Mohammadjavad Kazemi, Arizona State University, USA

     Sand Aldagari, Arizona State University, USA

     Ellie Fini, Arizona State University, USA

End of Life Plastics to Enhance Sustainability of Pavement Construction

     Ellie Fini, Arizona State University, USA

Artificial Intelligence in Medical Care

      Masoud Khakbazan, University of Tehran, Iran

     Hamid Hooshyar, University of Tehran, Iran

     Reza Allame Rad, University of Allame Tabatabayi, Iran

Changing the Needs in SCM of Fashion Industry for SDGc

     Shirley Yeung, Gratia Christian College, Hong Kong

Lunch Break:  12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Session 7: Green Cities  1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Prescriptive Change Activator (PCA) Model: A Framework to Drive and Accelerate Elimination of Technical Debt in an Organization

     Paul Paradiso, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, USA

The Next Paradigm in Leadership Theory: Leadership of Emergence

     Dorian Botsis, Faith Community Church of Hopkinton, USA

     Robert Lussier, Springfield College, USA

Crafting Jobs Using Role and Resource Approach:  The Influence of Core Self-Evaluations and Perceived Supports on Work Engagement

     Jimoh Fatoki, Roger Williams University, USA

     Kabiru Oyetunde, London South Bank University, UK

Avoiding Biases and Unfairness Concealed by Lacking Transparency in ML-Based AI Project Management

     Maximilian Goldapp, University of Rhode Island, USA

     Daniel Gibbs, University of Rhode Island, USA

     Faculty Supervisor: Maling Ebrahimpour, University of Rhode Island, USA

Session 8: Green Cities  3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Workshop: How Creative & Innovative Are You?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Storrs Library, Longmeadow

Session 9: Green Cities  9:00 am - 10:30 am

Comparing the Lifespan and Carbon Footprint of Variou Modified Asphalt Binders Based on the Concept of Critical Aging Point

     Abdullah Aloraini, Arizona State University, USA

     Kamil Kaloush, Arizona State University

     Mahour Parast, Arizona State University, USA

     Ellie Fini, Arizona State University, USA

A Data Wrangling Process for Big Data Enrichment in Social Internet of Things

     Carol Lee, Northeastern University, USA

Decision-Making: Water for Sustainability of Urban Areas

     Douglas Nelson, Law Office of Douglas C. Nelson, P.C., USA

Beyond Trial and Error: Automating Delay Generation in Assembly with Algorithmaically Calculated For-Loops

     Arnab Purkayastha, Western New England University, USA

     Sed Centeno, Western New England University, USA

Coffee Break: 10:30 am - 11:00 am

Session 10: Green Cities  11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Local Sport Commissions: Local Players in Sports Tourism and Community Angagement

     Virlena Crosley, Linfield University, USA

     Kaylee Barnum, Linfield University, USA

The Process of Negotiation

     Guy Deloffre, University of Lorraine, France

Issue Specific Trust in Science: Exploring the Linkages between Public Trust in Scientific Information on Climate Change and Attitudes towards Sience across Employment Status, Education, and Gender in the Post Pandemic World

     Yamini Jha, Western New England University, USA

     Anil Gulati, Western New England University, USA

     David DiSabito, Western New England University, USA

     Sanjeev Jha, Western New England University, USA

Women's Lived Experiences in Leadership

     Mistie Parsons, Central Connecticut State University, USA

Lunch Break:  12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Session 11: Green Cities  1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Dow Jones Sustainability Indices and ESG Scores: Do They Tell the Same Story?

     Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

     Andreas Rathgeber, University if Ausburg, Germany

     Edward Daughtery, Salve Regina university, USA

     Larry Fulton, Boston College, USA

     Bryan Schmutz, Western New England University, USA

     James Fournier, Roger Williams University, USA

Assessing the Effectiveness of a Virtual Service-Learning Project on Ageism and Social Competence

     Zo Ramamonjiarivelo, Texas State University, USA

     Randall Osbourne, Texas State University, USA

     Oren Renick, Texas State University, USA

     Keya Sen, Texas State University, USA

     Gerardo Pacheco, Texas State University, USA

     Kim Lee, Texas State University, USA

     Brad Beauvais, Texas State University, USA

Environmental Impacts and Responses: The Swing of the Moral Pendulum in the Oil Industry

     Gayatree Arma, Linfield University, USA

Inflation Reduction Act 2022

     Lynn Ruggieri, Roger Williams University, USA

     Hirwa Ishimwe, Roger Williams University, USA


Session 12: Green Cities  3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Faculty Qualification Criteria: AACSB Accreditation

     Maling Ebrahimpour, University of Rhode Island, USA

Keynote Speaker 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Massachusetts & Sustainability

     Eric Lesser, former Massachusetts State Senator and former White House aide

Storrs Museum Visit: 4:30 pm

Friday, June 21, 2024

Longmeadow High School, Longmeadow

Session 13: Green Cities 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Evaluation of the Implementation of National Standard for Youth-Friendly Helath Services (Pkpr)

     Tria Giri Ramdani, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Barate, Indonesia

     Siti Sugih Hartiningsih, STIKes Dharma Husada Bandung, Indonesia

     Dian Aryati, STIKes Dharma Husada Bandung, Indonesia

     Lola Noviani Fadilah, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Bandung, Indonesia

Workplace Hapiness for UN Sustainable Development Goals SDGs

     Shirley Yeung, Gratia Christian College, Hong Kong

An Experiential Questionnaire Investigating Architecture Undergraduates' Alternative Conceptions on Building Physics: Preliminary Observations

     Patrick Charles, Roger Williams University, USA

     Eliana Greenstein-Himle, Roger Williams University, USA

Aquaponics:  The Most Closed Loop Food Production System in the World

     Ed Tivan, Purdue University, USA

Coffee Break: 10:30 am - 11:00 am

Session 14: Green Cities 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Exploring the Evolution of Financial Advisory Services in Western Massachusetts:  A Decade-Long Analysis

     Justin Clarkson, Western New England University, USA

     Olivia Gajor, Western New England University, USA

     Elizabeth Weston, Western New England University, USA

     Wenjing Yang, Western New England University, USA

     Bahadir Akcam, Western New England University, USA

The New Federal Secure 2.0 Act and the Impact on RMD Planning

     Thomas Langdon, Roger Williams University, USA

Combating Money Laundering in Luxemburg Financial Market

     Thomas Boarder, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France

A Statistical Perspective on Equity in Sports Officiating

     Andrew Perry, Springfield College, USA

Lunch Break:  12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Session 15: Green Cities 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

The Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics Skillset:  Avaluating Employer Needs in the Springfield Massachusetts Job Market

     Robert Murphy, Western New England University, USA

     Brian Rostowski, Western New England University, USA

     Peter Jordan, Western New England University, USA

     Bahadir Akcam, Western New England University, USA

Homeownership Trends Amoung Young Adults in Hampden County, Massachusetts:  A Decade in Review

     Tram Lu, Western New England University, USA

     Alexa Adams, Western New England University, USA

     Garrett Barnachez, Western New England University, USA

     Bahadir Akcam, Western New England University, USA

Springfield's Decade of Transformation: The Dual Impact of MGM Springfield and COVID-19 on the City's Economic, Social, and Cultural Shifts

     Fiona Campbell, Western New England University, USA

     John Collins, Western New England University, USA

     Kiarra Dorman, Western New England University, USA

    Bahadir Akcam, Western New England University, USA

Business Listing Trends from 2017 - 2023 in Springfield, Massachusetts

     Colleen Furlong Western New England University, USA

     Zoe Bozzay, Western New England University, USA

     Bruce Hussey, Western New England University, USA

     Bahadir Akcam, Western New England University, USA

Session 16: Green Cities Panel  3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

World Class University & the Future of Higher Education


     Dr. Maria Toyoda

     Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, Western New England University

     Dr. Sharianne Walker

     Dean, College of Business, Western New England University

     Dr. Gokhan Celik

     Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Roger Williams University

     Dr. Rupayan Gupta

     Interim Associate Dean, Gabelli School of Business, Roger Williams University

     Ben Sosne, JD

     Executive Director, Berkshire Innovation Center

     Dr. Dennis Rebelo

     Chief Learning Officer, Berkshire Innovation Center

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Storrs Library, Longmeadow

Session 17: Green Cities  9:00 am - 10:30 am

The Dominican Rebulic-Central America Free Trade Agreement

      Holden Weese, Roger Williams University, USA

     Maxine Martinez, Roger Williams University, USA

     Demir Dirik, Roger Williams University, USA

     Maura Buckley, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor, Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

A Study Towards Supply Chain Resilience Management of New Energy Vehicles Based on Blockchain Architecture

     Yu Cui, Kansai University, Japan

     Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

     Wataru Miyatsuji, Hiroshima University of Economics, Japan

     Holden Weese, Roger Williams University. USA

     Shuichi Takagi, Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement:  Canada and the European Unio

      Andrew Gaudette, Roger Williams University, USA

     Christina Mozzi, Roger Williams University, USA

     Paulina Seremetis, Roger Williams University, USA

     Kirill Lazebnyy, Roger Williams University, USA

     Junior Sainvil, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor, Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

COMESA: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa

     Angelo Celli, Roger Williams University, USA

     Abida Mohammady, Roger Williams University, USA

     Nicholas Oakes, Roger Williams University, USA

     Brendan Loughran, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor, Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

Coffee Break: 10:30 am - 11:00 am

Session 18: Green Cities  11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Swiss-U.S. Free Trade Agreement

     Espoir Kamanzi, Roger Williams University, USA

     Alexis Holmes, Roger Williams University, USA

     Seamus Doheny, Roger Williams University, USA

     Valeryn Benitez, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor, Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

World Trade Organization

     Chas Forte, Roger Williams University, USA

     Nicholas Gleason, Roger Williams University, USA

     Wonjun Lee, Roger Williams University, USA

     Jilian Murphy, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor, Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

Net-Zero Carbon Emissions:  The Amazon Climate Pledge

     Anthony Soares, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor, Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

South Africa: FDI & CSR

     Matthew O'Brien, Roger Williams University, USA

     Evan Fuller, Roger Williams University, USA

     Brendan Loughran, Roger Williams University, USA

     Katelyn Pattison, Roger Williams University, USA

     Matthew Turchiano, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor, Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

Lunch Break:  12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Session 19: Green Cities 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Food Insecurity Challenges for South African Children

     Suhaila Hashimi, Brown University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor: David Zelay, Brown University, USA

Auto Industry:  South Korea & Japan

     Cindy Lee, Roger Williams University, USA

     Christina Mozzi, Roger Williams University, USA

     Holden Weese, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisors:  Yu Cui, Kansai University, Japan

                   and Minoo Tehrani, Roger Williams University, USA

Enhancement of Spatial Orientation with Gravitational Cues

     Lila Fakharzadeh, Brandeis University, USA

Quantifying the Potential  Health Impacts of Residential Gas Combustion Cooking and Heating:  A Meta-Analysis and Risk Assessment

     Jacob Bueno de Mesquita, Roger Williams University, USA

     Erik Pontes, Roger Williams University, USA

Tax on Mutual Funds and ETFs

     Victoria DeBarros, Roger Williams University, USA

     Faculty Supervisor: Scott Macket, Roger Williams University, USA

Session 20: Green Cities Panel  3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Massachusetts Leadership

Gala Dinner & Award Ceremony 5:00 PM

Max Burger, Longmeadow Shops, Longmeadow, MA


Company Listing

The Global Interdisciplinary Green Cities Conference
The Global Interdisciplinary Green Cities Conference

Day 1 and 2 of the conference will be held at the Berkshire Innovation Center, Pittsfield. Day 3-5 of the conference will be held in Longmeadow (see agenda for specific locations).



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